Abstract: Walter (github.com/walter-cd/walter) is a tiny tool for executing deployment pipelines (such as automated build workflows) in Continuous Integration / Delivery (CI / CD).

When managing a CI environment with Jenkins, we commonly use some sort of build pipeline plugins such as build pipeline-plugin to define deployment flows and execute the tasks in the flow one by one.

Although these Jenkins plugins are useful to manage and control CI, we still have the following problems in the deployment of our services.

  • None of us is able to run build pipeline without our Jenkins server
  • No one is able to check if the pipeline works until starting the CI jobs in the Jenkins server
  • We feel the difficulties to migrate the build pipeline settings to other CI environments

Although we have built our system that maintains the servers settings with configuration files of Chef or Ansible in the Git repositories, only the deployment pipeline settings are still in Jenkins server… Of course Modern CI services such as Travis-ci or Wercker provide the solution to this problem. Unfortunately, we can’t execute these services locally.

To manage the deployment settings with the local repositories, we have developed a tiny deployment workflow engine in Golang.

At DevOpsDays, I would like to talk about how walter solves the problems around the deployment systems. The session also covers use cases of walter in the combination with other tools such as Docker. ref: [http://]ainoya.io/docker-android-walter .

Speaker: Speaker 48

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